Customer Testimonials

Peter S. Kim

Sino-Danish Genome-Wide Association Study

Ari Kilrikki

Dr. Gane Ka-Shu Wong

Dr. Marcelo Menossi

Peter S. Kim, EVP & President, Merck Research Laboratories

"This statement of intent is an initial step designed to bring together Merck's expertise in pharmaceutical development with the powerful sequencing and bioinformatics capabilities of BGI," said Peter S. Kim, President of Merck Research Laboratories. "The science and technology of genomics and epigenetics offer the potential to transform medicine. We are excited to move forward towards a collaboration with BGI in our efforts to advance these areas of research."

Sino-Danish Genome-Wide Association Study

BGI has been researching on Type II Diabetes, visceral obesity, hypertension, and other metabolic diseases as part of the Sino-Danish Genome-Wide Association Study sponsored by LUCAMP. After sequencing the whole exome regions for 1,000 cases and 1,000 controls, we have discovered over 200 T2D genes and are currently validating in 17,000 people. Please find the below links to the video introduction about the Sino-Danish collaboration for the research on Type II Diabetes and other metabolic diseases.
Please view the video on the below website:
As a leading sequencing and genomics research center, BGI can provide such services as exome sequencing, whole genome resequencing, target region sequencing, and iScan genotyping (HumanOmni 2.5-Quad BeadChip). With the large Hi-seq capacity and 1,500 bioinformaticians, we guarantee the fast turnaround time and the accuracy of data.

Ari Kiirikki, VP of Knome

"Knome has been working with BGI for well over three years. Specifically, BGI has been resequencing whole human genomes and exomes for us and it is work they perform exceedingly well.  Partnering with BGI has been a positive experience for us and we highly recommend them."

Dr. Gane Ka-Shu Wong, Professor and iCORE Chair in Biosystems Informatics

Department of Biological Sciences - University of Alberta

"As the principal investigator on two sequencing projects that are pushing the state-of-the-art (viral discovery using metagenomic sequencing and phylogenomic analysis of 1000 plant species) I cannot expect everything to work on the first iteration but I do expect my sequencing provider to work together with me to correct whatever went wrong regardless of whose fault it was. BGI-Shenzhen does that admirably."

Dr. Marcelo Menossi, University of Campinas

"We are working with plant miRNA expression and this was the first time we were using a deep sequencing approach. We evaluated the coverage and prices of several service providers, starting from total RNA and delivering a complete data analysis. 

BGI offered a good price and the shortest turn around time. Our RNA samples were shipped to Hong Kong on 06/28 and the sequencing of four miRNA libraries was finished by 07/28. Five days later the advanced bioinformatics was finished. After another 8 days we got the access to data via ftp. 

We got 11.7-12.2 million of total reads from our libraries, which produced 8.5-10 million of clean reads. The advanced bioinformatics service helped a lot in the data evaluation. 

During the process and even after finishing the project, the staff always responded quickly to our questions. The data allowed us to discover several differentially expressed miRNA and also novel miRNAs. 

I am sure BGI provides a world-class service and we will continue our project with their help, sequencing another 20 miRNA libraries."